Sunday, May 23, 2021

Author Spotlight: Charon Dunn and Sally Smith

Hey look everyone, I'm in an author spotlight!

As far as a creativity update ... 

My courtroom drama for grownups got derailed by (1) a big long pile of NDAs; (2) I was talking to a science expert and realized that consumers of this kind of story prefer TV-style verite, and I have a tendency to be surreal and warp the edges of reality -- so this might work better in a completely SF setting, such as a space station; (3) the fact that Sally and I deserve a launch party, dammit; (4) someone finally wrote a book about dinosaur behavior, and now I want to write a new dino book with even more state-of-the-art dino science.

Not to mention Charon's Axiom of Art: create art for the sort of people you want to attract.

[For example: litigious grownups who don't appreciate surrealism = hell no. K-Pop stans, science nerds, and people with a goofy sense of humor = absolutely!]

So I am hard at work on a sequel. With more and better dinosaurs.

Not to mention Sebastian Rose's adventures in the sordid criminal world of Exonine pop music as he prepares to make his solo debut because I have a deep burning need to remake something in the spirit of Goodfellas with a cast of K-Pop idols armed with sci fi weapons, so I'm just going to roll with it.

It'll be out in time for 2022 Baycon as long as we don't succumb to lollygagging. See you at the launch party.

Me in the '90s, trying to accept my destiny as a dino book writer

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